120510 SHINee’s Taemin is an ‘angelic version’ of Super Junior’s Kim Heechul?

Super Junior member Kim Heechul revealed a photo of himself being compared to SHINee memberTaemin.
On May 11th, the singer shared the photo above and wrote, “Taemin was only 16 years old the first time I saw him… the manager hyungs said that he was an angelic version of me, but now he’s already 20 years old. He’s grown so much… but the problem is, I’m now 30!”
Netizens were shocked to see the two side by side, as they truly did resemble one another. Heechul rocked a long, light-brown hairstyle during the beginning of Super Junior’s career, and Taemin recently sported the same look for SHINee’s “Sherlock“.
Wow, they do look alike,” netizens wrote in response, along with “They’re 10 years apart?”, and “They look like brothers.”

Domo-kun Cute

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